The Clever Cloud Blog
The Commit Log
Top today's news
Clever Cloud obtains HDS (Health Data Hosting) certification
Otoroshi with LLM: simplify your API and AI service management on Clever Cloud
Clever Cloud and DataConnect Africa: the first step towards a secure, sovereign cloud for Africa
clever cloud fest. is coming
Metabase on Clever Cloud: easily query and visualize your data
All the news
Our first USA zone is officially opened!
Introducing second based invoicing
ISV Partnership @ Clever Cloud
There have been some changes in licensing models for certain software vendors recently, Elastic in…
Documentation Update
Today we are releasing an updated, rebranded version of our documentation.
It has been a…
New Clever Cloud Zones in APAC and EMEA
Setup a directory listing for an S3 bucket
How to Deploy a Static Site on Cellar
How to Deploy a Hugo Static Site
How to deploy a Deno application
TCP ports are now configurable from Clever Tools
Access Logs are now available from Clever Tools
Elastic Stack now available on Clever Cloud
Good news everyone, we are really excited to offer the Elastic Stack — 🔥Platinum…
Elixir and Phoenix are now officially supported
Today we officialize our support for Elixir and Phoenix!
We have been testing this with…
SEPA Direct Debit payment now available
We are delighted to tell you Clever Cloud now accepts SEPA Direct Debit payment.
Deploy Ghost the Immutable Way on Clever Cloud
Build your Golang code with Go Modules
You can now build your go projects with go modules! Please take a look at…
Clever Grid: Using GPUs has never been so simple
Today the Clever Cloud team is happy to release Clever Grid, our new GPUs…
How to deploy The Lounge, an IRC client and logger
Yesterday I started talking with a partner on how we would collaborate. I just wanted…