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What is Clever AI?
Clever Cloud obtains HDS (Health Data Hosting) certification
Otoroshi with LLM: simplify your API and AI service management on Clever Cloud
Clever Cloud and DataConnect Africa: the first step towards a secure, sovereign cloud for Africa
clever cloud fest. is coming
All the news

How to Deploy your Elixir/Phoenix Application to Production

Force HTTPS on Clever Cloud applications
It is now possible to force HTTPS redirection! No more .htaccess black magic, no redirection…

Cellar a S3-like service for Rails’ Active Storage
Introduced with the release of Rails 5.2 , Active Storage replaces previous solutions for storing…

Integrate Metabase in Ruby on Rails
Today, I am proposing a very simple tutorial. I needed to integrate a Metabase dashboard…

Deploy node projects as static – MDX-Deck demo

Elastic feature presentation: Canvas
Canvas is a feature that comes inside our…

Get Elastic APM ready in 5′ on Clever Cloud
APM means Application Performance Monitoring. When we say APM in the IT context, we refer…

Upcoming 2020 conferences
At Clever Cloud, we really love tech conferences. It is a great opportunity for us…

Clean up your Rails Controllers with Service Objects
You know what they say about the MVC design…

Setup your Ruby on Rails Online Dev Environment

Really understand Rails templating
As a web developer, my first framework ever was RubyOnRails and I still keep a…

Link your Gandi domain to your Clever Cloud app
In today's article I show you how to simply link the domain name you bought…

Bring your API to the World Within 3 Minutes
A couple years ago, I was a developer for a startup which has almost no…

How to Fork Things the Right Way
Some open source git repos host really useful code but are sometimes not maintained.