The Clever Cloud Blog

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DZone’s definitive guide to PaaS

Here it comes! Dzone's definitive guide to PaaS & IaaS solution


Is dotscale another boring cloud conference?

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The Company

Clever Cloud dans le Frenchweb Tour

French Only

Le Frenchweb Tour a fait étape à Nantes et s'est intéressé à Clever…


New plan and best startup award at Eurocloud!

Version française

We are happy to announce our new pricing plans along with some…


Clever Cloud partenaire de la DevParty@Nantes

French only

Développer c'est bien. Développer avec d'autres développeurs,…


Press Review 04/17

Yesterday, there was an interesting post written by Alex…


Java & Scala support released

French version below A new feature for Scala users + Simple Built Tool…

How would you convince your boss to choose Clever Cloud as a hosting service in a 5mn pitch?

French version below

Like a Christopher Colombus having an audience with the Queen Isabella, you…


PostgreSQL release

French version below

We have updated PostgrSQL following…


What’s computer energy ?

Comment expliquer une chose abstraite avec des mots simples ? Énergie informatique Qu'est-ce que l'énergie…

B2B ROCKS: Clever Cloud finalist !

French version below Clever Cloud is selected for the startups competition of B2B ROCKS,…

We are applying to Next Berlin 2013 !

French version below

And we need you to vote for us! The web community has…


Video: regardez notre intervention Tendances Cloud

French version only

Depuis 2011, Clever Cloud a le plaisir de faire partie des intervenants…


My Web Generation: live Radio Prun

French version below

One week ago, we had the pleasure to be part of the…


Clever Cloud @QCON LONDON

French version below
Quentin ADAM, CEO of Clever Cloud, will talk about JavaScript as Data…


Connaissez-vous les datacenters ?

Le cloud computing repose sur une infrastructure qui souvent n'est pas la propriété de l'hébergeur.…

The Europas: We are in the shortlist for Best French Startup!

Good news today:

I'm pleased to announce that the Europas, an european tech awards event,…


Hackathon Open Data Fall 2012, Nantes

Want to try the brand new Open Data materials from Pays-de-la-Loire and Loire-Atlantique? Come to…


Clever Cloud User Group: help us to build your favorite cloud platform

Shortly after we launched Clever Cloud, we've opened this week the CC User Group! This…


Tendances Cloud 2013, 10 experts share their visions

How could human beings understand the noise around our Cloud computing's world? From questions like…
