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All posts in Engineering


Security update about Log4Shell

What is Log4Shell?

You probably heard about Log4Shell (or CVE-2021-44228), the vulnerability which impacted log4j,…

erlenmeyer-promql banner

Enabling PromQL queries with Erlenmeyer

You are using Clever Cloud to deploy applications runtimes or add-ons. But do you know…
Apache Pulsar Public Beta release

Apache Pulsar Public Beta Release

It's a big day for queuing and streaming enthusiasts today. Our engineering team is proud…

How to deploy Apache Superset on Clever Cloud

At Clever Cloud we manage most of our own data and when we want to…

Biscuit tutorial

In the previous article, I introduced Biscuit, our authentication and authorization token, and mentioned…


Biscuit, the foundation for your authorization systems

After 2 years of development, I am proud to share with you the official release…


Using JAAS in the Cloud Era

In this article, we will learn how to configure JAAS authentication in a JVM application…


How to Deploy a Static Site on Cellar

You don't need an application to deploy a static site on Clever Cloud anymore. Let's…

How to Deploy a Hugo Static Site

Clever Cloud launched a french speaking podcast about two weeks ago. We decided to…

How to Deploy your Elixir/Phoenix Application to Production

Hi everyone! Today let's follow a simple deployment tutorial to learn how to deploy your…

Cellar a S3-like service for Rails’ Active Storage

Introduced with the release of Rails 5.2 , Active Storage replaces previous solutions for storing…


How to deploy a Deno application

Rejoice! The long-awaited Deno 1.0 release is among us. What is Deno you ask?…

Integrate Metabase in Ruby on Rails

Today, I am proposing a very simple tutorial. I needed to integrate a Metabase dashboard…


Deploy node projects as static – MDX-Deck demo

As some of you may know, we love to present tech talks at Clever Cloud,…

Introducing Traffic Overview in Real-Time

Time for some exciting new features! We've been working for a while now on giving…


Cellar v2: even more S3 compatibility

In November 2018, we released the Cellar C2 cluster. Every new cellar account since then…


Clean up your Rails Controllers with Service Objects

Fat Models and skinny Controllers right?

You know what they say about the MVC design…


Setup your Ruby on Rails Online Dev Environment

In this tutorial we are going to install the latest version of RubyOnRails and deploy…

SEO basics for developers

Yeah… I know… Our job (and what we love) is to code. And SEO is…

Really understand Rails templating

As a web developer, my first framework ever was RubyOnRails and I still keep a…
