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All posts in Features

Force HTTPS on Clever Cloud applications

It is now possible to force HTTPS redirection! No more .htaccess black magic, no redirection…


TCP ports are now configurable from Clever Tools

Good news everyone, you can now open a TCP port on your application. Everything you…

Access Logs are now available from Clever Tools

Yes you read it right, you can now access your access logs. How you ask?…

Elastic Basics: Indexation

In my last article I created a simple Canvas workpad in my Kibana. To…


Elastic feature presentation: Canvas

You like Kibana? You will love Canvas

Canvas is a feature that comes inside our…


Get Elastic APM ready in 5′ on Clever Cloud

APM means Application Performance Monitoring. When we say APM in the IT context, we refer…


Elastic Stack now available on Clever Cloud

Good news everyone, we are really excited to offer the Elastic Stack — 🔥Platinum…


Elixir and Phoenix are now officially supported

Today we officialize our support for Elixir and Phoenix!

We have been testing this with…


New MongoDB Plans

Following the high demand for large-sized instances, we have created many new plans. Check these…


Deploy Ghost the Immutable Way on Clever Cloud

I am currently on a personal quest for a self hosted blog platform that just…

Weekly Platform Updates #54

The Weekly Platform Updates is a series of posts about every impactful changes on Clever…

Build your Golang code with Go Modules

You can now build your go projects with go modules! Please take a look at…


Announcing Larger Scalers for Apps

This month you may have noticed something new on the pricing page: two new flavours…

Weekly Platform Updates #53

The Weekly Platform Updates is a series of posts about every impactful changes on Clever…

Environment variables: reloaded

After all these years, our Web console's codebase needed some technical updates. We chose new…

Clever Grid: Using GPUs has never been so simple

Today the Clever Cloud team is happy to release Clever Grid, our new GPUs…


Weekly Platform Updates #52

The Weekly Platform Updates is a series of posts about every impactful changes on Clever…

How to deploy The Lounge, an IRC client and logger

Yesterday I started talking with a partner on how we would collaborate. I just wanted…


How to use Quarkus

Following our release of GraalVM support, I can show you how to use Quarkus on…

GraalVM is here!

Good news everone, we are all super happy to tell you our JVM image has…
