The Clever Cloud Blog

The Commit Log

All posts in Features

Is Clever Cloud Vulnerable to Shellshock?

Did you like [Heartbleed?]({{ site.basepath }}/features/2014/04/08/openssl-101g-update.html) Meet Shellshock — aka CVE-2014-6271 — a new bug…


Wilcards on Domain Names

We've just released a new feature in the domain names management! You can define for…

Good news, we’re lowering our prices!

Last february, we've made a massive pricing update. With hindsight, we felt the need the…


Announcing the New Dedicated Databases

Today we are releasing a brand new database service which features better performances, more storage…


Update OpenSSL 1.0.1g

Yesterday, a security patch of OpenSSL 1.0.1g was issued, fixing a pretty critical vulnerability (refered…


Handling a Massive TV Effect on Your Website

French version below

On Saturday 11 January, Denis Payre, the president of 'Nous Citoyens'…


Clever Cloud contribue au plan Cloud de l’État

Note: This article is in french only

En décembre dernier, nous avons été appelés à…


Introducing Databases as a Service on Clever Cloud

French version below

Another kind of 'external' DBs

Until now, databases hosted on Clever Cloud…


Welcome FS buckets

French version below

Up to now, during a git…


New services management

French version below It was already possible to link a service to many applications on…

Python now in beta – Available soon

We're pleased to announce the support of Python on Clever Cloud. The Django framework is…


Manage your projects using Organisations

French version below More information regarding the Clever Cloud's "Organisations" feature. Since our console V2,…

What about WebSocket on the Cloud?

Many users ask us if WebSocket is supported on Clever Cloud. Of course it is!…

Introducing the new Console

French version below

Well, it's already the end of our Open Cloud offer. But don't…


Run your PlayFramework apps on the Clever Cloud!

The Java language was orignally used in complex and costly "enterprise projects". It was considered…

E-Commerce : what about Magento and Prestashop?

As usual, we felt the need to test more CMS. As we're dangerously approaching Christmas…

Will SugarCRM work on Clever Cloud?

We're testing quite a lot of apps on Clever Cloud these days. It was Joomla's…