Clever Cloud gives you the https way to social apps

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Clever Cloud is designed to let you code and create wonderful applications able to enable a cool and interactive social life.

You want to create a Facebook app? To interact with the Foursquare API? Or just to manage some critical users data?

Today, all of those services require the use of SSL (https) to interact with their API. This can be sad if you only want a backend service or to make a test. Having a SSL certificate up & running can take a week, and it's complicated to buy.

Clever Cloud is a Comodo Reseller and decided to offer you a simple way to use security: every application on the Clever Cloud platform is able to claim a * domain name and to use SSL immediately!

Hope this feature let you test and run code from various API and services! We hope it will help many hackathons and Startup Weekend fellows!


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