Clever Cloud awarded by the Deloitte Fast50

Clever Cloud is proud to announce being part of the 50 best growing startups according to the Deloitte In Extenso Technology Fast 50, a prestigious collection of tech peers and innovators.For us, it is a sign that PaaS hosting is meeting its market.

When we started this adventure five years ago, the industry was quite different. On one hand, the offering from the competition has become clearer. Especially thanks to a pricing consolidation (less freemium, corporate offers…). On the other hand, the market is much more aware about its needs. People now realize how a PaaS can help them for their business. It's not seen as a toy anymore. Using a PaaS is cornerstone when it comes to boost developers' productivity.

Now we are offering a new way to help developers focus on their core values, thanks to automation tools. The goal is to offer industrialization capacities to corporations in software development. For faster delivery, more security, at a reduced cost.

Since two years, we are on the road (, multiple devoxxes, codemesh, scaladays…) to talk about developer productivity. What we see is obvious: software development is more and more complex. Projects now rely on multiple languages and databases. With this rising diversity, build complexity needs to be kept at bay. People want automated build and orchestration tools. The market is swarming with project seeking to solve this issue. Since we're providing a solution that's easy to operate, as well as being ready for production, growth has followed.

About the Fast50

The Technology Fast 50 promotes and encourages every year growing and innovative high-tech companies. Created by Deloitte France in 2001, it counts today more than 1 700 companies involved in this program.

Learn more about the Fast50 France:


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