At Clever Cloud we love sharing stories about our work, what we have done or how we have helped our customers on support. And we often do that by giving talks to various conferences or sponsoring them.

If you would like to meet us at one of these events here’s our calendar for the coming months:
- DevoxxUK, London, UK, May 9 to 11 2018
- Riviera DEV, Nice, France, May 16 to 18 2018
- RustFest Paris, Paris, France, May 26 2018
- DevopsCon Berlin, Berlin, Germany, May 28 to 31 2018
- Take Off, Lille, France, June 7 to 8 2018
- JBCN, Barcelona, Spain, June 11 to 13 2018
- Web2Day, Nantes, France, June 13 to 15 2018
- DevFest Lille, Lille, France, June 21 2018
- VoxxedDays Luxembourg, Mondorf-les-Bains, Luxembourg, June 22 2018
- Jenkins User Conference Paris, Paris, France, June 28 2018
- Sunny Tech, Montpellier, France, June 28 to 29 2018
- Pass the SALT, Lille, France, July 2 to 4 2018
- Jenkins User Conference Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv, Israel, July 3rd 2018
- Campus Party, Milan, Italy, July 18 to 22 2018
- Jug Summer Camp, La Rochelle, France, September 14 2018
- Hackference, Birmingham, UK, October 12 to 14 2018
- DevFest Nantes, Nantes, France, October 18 to 19 2018
- MDF18, Paris, France, October 23 2018
- DevRel Con London, London, UK, November 7 to 8 2018
- CodeMesh, London, UK, November 8 to 9 2018
- DevFest Toulouse, Toulouse, France, November 8 2018
- DevOps D-Day, Marseille, France, November 15 2018
- DevoxxBE, Antwerp, Belgium, November 12 to 16 2018
- Devoxx Morocco, Marrakech, Morocco, November 27 to 29
- Slush, Helsinki, Finland, December 4 to 5
And if you would like us to come to a particular conference you can send an email at deverel (at)
Stay tuned for updates via our Twitter account:
Follow @TwitterDev