Upcoming 2020 conferences

At Clever Cloud, we really love tech conferences. It is a great opportunity for us to share our best stories, show and tell what we do all year long, meet in person a ton of interesting people including our users and offer the best tee-shirts out there, our amazing Sticker Mule laptop stickers and the famous 7in1 pens 😉

put an alt please

If you would like to meet us this year, here is the list of the conferences we will be at until July 2020.






Republic of Ireland

  • Euro Python, Dublin, Republic of Ireland, July 22 to 24

As we often travel a day before and leave a day after, if you want us to give a talk or meet around the conference, please send an email to deverel (at) clever-cloud.com. Same if you want us to come to a particular conference.

Stay tunned for next upcoming conferences and general news on Twitter Follow @Clever_Cloud


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