Ubilab: Connecting the laboratory world to the outside

More than ever, we realize that our world is late in some ways. Technology can be a real strength, a time-saver, a life facilitator, particularly in the medical sector.

Founded eight years ago, Ubilab is a software range for medical testing laboratories. This ergonomic solution groups together all the tools that laboratories will need for internal communication towards healthcare professionals.

Ubilab has two essential products: Ubilab Home and Ubilab Result. Ubilab Home is for professionals, and Ubilab Result is for patients. These products are mainly technological: software in saas, web, and mobile access, company filled with developers directly from the Scala world.

104 210 users & 1879 Laboratories

Meeting with Guillaume Badin, CTO at Ubilab

Tech has an essential place in our company; our product is technological. My job is to code, not to manage servers, that’s why the offer of Clever Cloud meets our needs. This year we will launch Ubilab results and visit, and we need to accelerate the deployment of these products in laboratories.

“As a CTO, my role is to foster interaction between developers, internal communication, and allow the team as a whole to be more efficient.”

My team is organized around poles; we have a front pole and a back pole, we organize around tasks performed, our objectives are to deploy new functionalities rapidly. The idea is that we test it every time, and it goes into production. My challenge is to develop tools to make the whole team go faster and to help developers grow daily.

How did you hear about Clever Cloud

I discovered Clever Cloud via the Scala world, at a Scala IO conference. I had the opportunity to eat next to Quentin Adam, we discussed my issues, and it made me want to test your platform.

Before we were with Rackspace, we had to manage our servers ourselves; it was time-consuming, the updates were complicated; there was no security update. The idea of ​​pushing its code and making it easy to deploy won us over.

“Being able to push and test quickly allows us to implement new features more regularly.”

Now that we are at Clever Cloud, the deployment works very well. We like the culture of Clever Cloud, which brings a lot to the community. Support helps us when we need it. Clever Cloud has changed the way we work; we are now doing pre-production which makes us gain in quality.

What changes with Clever Cloud ?

  • Push into production every day
  • DevOps time reduces by 95%
  • 2-3 hours earned per week
  • A lot of serenity


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