Clever Cloud welcomes the first startups to the UP Programme

Clever Cloud is proud to announce the arrival of the first five startups selected to join its UP Programme, an initiative dedicated to supporting young technology companies in their growth phase.

The UP Programme is designed to support start-ups in their development, offering them an opportunity to benefit from a range of resources, training and technical support to help them take their projects to new heights.

The 5 winners of the Clever Cloud UP Programme

All the start-ups that applied were analysed by an internal Clever Cloud jury to select only those projects to which we were certain we could bring real added value. Five were finally selected.


Azimutt revolutionises the exploration and maintenance of complex databases. Thanks to its intuitive interface, it simplifies schema and data navigation, while offering suggestions for improvements to optimise your databases.


ETEOS innovates in the field of luxury goods management by guaranteeing the authenticity and traceability of valuable objects using advanced technologies such as blockchain and NFC chips. This solution ensures total transparency and strengthens consumer confidence, while increasing the value of brands.


The first GreenAI start-up, EcoLLM is tackling the environmental impact of artificial intelligence. Their mission: to develop ecological AI solutions for more environmentally-friendly projects and programmes.


Mélodium is an open source orchestration and runtime optimisation system that accelerates development cycles and continuous integration (CI), while reducing operational costs.


Finding the right agency can be time-consuming. Bigfriend makes this task easier by sourcing the best agencies for your projects, impartially. They present you with three options to ensure the success of your project.

How do startups benefit from the UP Programme?

Clever Cloud’s UP Programme is specially designed to support start-ups in their early or growth phase.

In addition to the cloud credits allocated for their first year, Clever Cloud offers a full range of services to support these promising projects. These include onboarding and personalised support with our engineers, monthly monitoring and technical support. Start-ups also benefit from workshops, masterclasses and mentoring to strengthen the skills of their team, while gaining visibility through the media, social networks and events organised by Clever Cloud. Finally, they can obtain a recognised certification in partnership with École Hexagone.

With these assets, the UP Programme aims to reduce the technical and financial barriers faced by startups, providing them with the tools they need to turn the cloud into a lever for growth rather than an obstacle.

The UP Programme supported by its partners

Clever Cloud’s UP Programme benefits from the support of partners committed to the development of the start-up ecosystem. These include ADN Ouest, H7, Épopée Gestion and École Hexagone, whose support and commitment are helping to nurture the start-ups of tomorrow.

How can I join the UP Programme as a start-up?

Start-ups interested in the UP Programme can apply now using the form below. Don’t miss this opportunity to benefit from unique resources to propel your project forward.


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Clever Cloud welcomes the first startups to the UP Programme

Clever Cloud is proud to announce the arrival of the first five startups selected to join its UP Programme, an initiative dedicated to supporting young technology companies in their growth phase.

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