clever cloud fest : two days of networking and exchanges

On February 6th and 7th, Clever Cloud celebrated its 15th anniversary by organizing the first edition of clever cloud fest at the Palace _icilundi in Nantes. The event got together numerous participants, including customers, partners, CTOs, CIOs, and students, to discuss the industry's developments and challenges.

A look back at this striking event: :

Key announcements at clever cloud fest

This first edition was marked by keynotes, conferences, round tables discussion, feedback and demo workshops.


Find the full clever cloud fest program right here



New products announced

During the Produits & Marché keynote, Quentin Adam and Steven Le Roux presented Clever Cloud’s latest news and announcements.

On this chance, 11 new products were revealed, aimed for improving the developer experience and optimizing the efficiency of cloud infrastructures.


New products announced

11 new products announced at clever cloud fest

Two MACI podcasts recorded during the clever cloud fest

Episode 127 “À la recherche d’une troisième voie pour un futur tech désirable.
A look back at the day’s announcements, with a discussion on the future of the digital industry in France and Europe.

Episode 128 “FreeBSD planifie les sorties de container en open source.
A look back at the event and news about Keycloak, Datadog and FreeBSD.

Clever AI & Otoroshi MCP demonstration

Clever AI was presented as a solution to optimize AI access for companies, with features such as retry intelligent, control policies and cost optimization.
Otoroshi MCP, was also highlighted for its role in API management and security, enabling seamless and secure integration of cloud services..

Networking evening

The Thursday evening event offered participants the chance to exchange ideas in a convivial setting, encouraging networking opportunities between the various players present.

The clever cloud fest in replay

Were you unable to attend certain sessions, or would you like to see some of the presentations again?
Don’t panic! Replay of keynotes, round-tables discussion and feedbacks are already available on our YouTube channel.
As for demo workshops will be available online very soon.

Our sponsors

Many thanks to our sponsors for their support and participation, which contributed to the success of this event:
Linagora is a French open-source software company specializing in the creation of solutions for open source and artificial intelligence.

The company creates collaborative tools, data management and AI models, including Lucie.

Founded in 2012, Vates is a French open source software company specializing in virtualization solutions.

The company offers an alternative to VMware with XCP-ng, a virtualization platform, and Xen Orchestra, a management tool for virtualized infrastructures based on XCP-ng and XenServer.

Jamespot is a French company specializing in corporate social networks, collaborative platforms and internal communication.

Jamespot is the main contributor to CollabNext, an initiative aimed at enriching collaborative platforms with innovative functionalities and seamless integration.
Thanks to our equipment sponsor PCBWay.

Thanks to participants

We would like to warmly thank all the participants for their commitment, their exchanges, and their enthusiasm.
The event gathered over 200 people and generated 3,500 live views over the two days.

We would also like to thank them for their positive feedback, underlining the quality of the discussions and the diversity of the topics covered.

From all over France, Luxembourg, Belgium, the Netherlands and Ivory Coast, you made this event a memorable one.
Many thanks to Smartmedias for their work on the technical control room, ensuring the smooth running of the event.
We would also like to express our gratitude to Palace_icilundi. Their welcome and logistical support contributed to the success of this event.
You all made this event a rich experience of sharing, learning and discovery.
In the meantime, continue to follow us to stay informed of our news!


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clever cloud fest : two days of networking and exchanges

On February 6th and 7th, Clever Cloud celebrated its 15th anniversary by organizing the first edition of clever cloud fest at the Palace _icilundi in Nantes. The event got together numerous participants, including customers, partners, CTOs, CIOs, and students, to discuss the industry's developments and challenges.
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