Time for some exciting new features! We've been working for a while now on giving more insights to your application's activity. Is your application used? Where? Which IPs are accessing it? Even the response time is here! In this post, I am presenting to you what's new and how to use it at best.
Console: new tiles and improvements
We've been building new tiles for both organizations and overview pages. These new tiles rely on web components which are open-source. You can embed each of these components easily in your product to show to your customers. You can find each of our components here: https://www.clever-cloud.com/doc/clever-components/.

Please note that these are in beta, so bear with us as we fix possible hiccups over time!
We are also developing a new type of ACLs, built on top of our next-gen auth product, allowing you to make integrations easier. Stay tuned!

Geolocation of requests
This one may be the most obvious change: there is a near-real-time map that shows dots for requests and their location around the world. In the organization's overview, you can see requests of all your apps combined.
There is also a heatmap that shows the density of the traffic location over 24 hours. Real-time is nice, but having a track of what's happened can be pretty handy.

HTTP Response codes
Here we show you the distribution of HTTP status codes in the responses of your apps. It is displayed over 24h. If you click on a status code in the legend, it will hide it from the chart. Pro tip: If your shift+click on a HTTP code in the legend, it will unselect all the other codes.

HTTP Requests
This graph represents the variation of HTTP requests on your app over 24h, with a time window of a 2, 3 or 4 hours for each graph, (depending on your windows size, responsive ftw).

Access logs & tools
What is an access log?
An access log records all requests that people or bots have requested from an application. When you are using Clever Cloud, your application's requests transit via our load-balancers. They receive the incoming network traffic and route it to each application. For legal reasons, we have to keep track of each request for at least a year.
Retrieving access logs, before
When a customer needed the access logs, the original process was to dive into a vast logfile and find it ourselves. But now, each Clever Cloud user can retrieve its access logs, and much more.
Retrieving access logs, today
We introduced Metrics a few years ago, a tool built into the web console to give monitoring data to our users. Metrics relies on Warp10, a time-series database built for this kind of usage. The access logs are now stored into Warp10, as it's a part of Metrics.
On the Metrics page, you'll find your metrics token and URL, allowing you to request the warp10 database with Quantum (it's a (WarpScript™ IDE).
You can open Quantum within Metrics, and click on "access logs" located in the "Explore your data" section. Here's an example:
{ 'app_id' '<APP_ID>' }
NOW 5 s
As access logs are still quite complex to retrieve that way, we are still working on a better way to make it accessible to you. Stay tuned for the next iterations!