Weekly Platform Update #27

The Weekly Platform Update is a series of posts about every impactful changes on Clever Cloud. You’ll find the updated parts of Clever Cloud below, to follow fixes, updates, new products and more on a weekly basis.


  • php: linux 4.13.3 + switch to libjpeg-turbo + php 7.0.23, 7.1.9
  • modules php: amqp 1.9.1, couchbase 2.4.0, ioncube 10.0.1, libsodium 2.0.4, mongo 1.6.16, newrelic, redis 3.1.3, ssh2 1.1.2, zip 1.15.1
  • python: pdftk dispo, switch to libjpeg-turbo
  • rust: linux 4.13.3 + rust 1.20.0 + 1.21.0-beta.3 + 1.22.0.nightly, support fs bucket via env var, support workers
  • java: zbar + linux 4.13.3
  • node: 8.5.0 6.11.3, yarn 1.0.2


  • Console: metrics improvements, fix dependency regression, new warning when unpaid invoices


  • updated SSL wordpress configuration doc
  • added clever deploy to clever tools manage page
  • SSH access: added location of user’s application
  • added a link to available .user.ini directives for PHP apps
  • documented timezone setting for PHP apps
  • mentioned celery support is not available for gunicorn


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