Improved filtering in the console

It's already been a couple of weeks since we introduced you to our revamped console. And as we wrote at that time, we are not stopping there. We are always working on new stuff to make your life easier.

Today we introduce you to our new filtering system built with love by Arnaud and Hubert. As you might have seen already we have merged apps and add-ons. So in the same list you end up having apps that uses different runtime and build tools as well as various add-ons. We are now allowing you to filter this list based on these specifics.

If you type is:redis in the filter field you will only see your Redis add-ons. If you type is:node you will only see nodejs applications. It's that simple. And of course you can combine these filters or use them with the usual name search:

  • is:java is:jar
  • is:java is:sbt
  • is:java ACME
  • is:java prod

Now you might be wondering, how does this work? What can I use as filter? For add-ons we use their slug. Here's the list:


For applications it's more subtle. You can use their type or their variant slug. What is a variant you ask? Well it's something we use internally to put different sort of automation secret sauce on our VM images. Take for instance the node image type. It has two variants. One is node which is pretty much the default behavior for node.js applications. The other is meteor, used for Meteor.js applications, which installs Meteor and runs specific build and run tasks. If you look at the java type you will see we have a number of variants representing the different ways to deploy JVM code with different build tools.

Type            Variant Name            Variant Slug
python          Python                  python
haskell         Haskell                 haskell
php             PHP                     php
php             Static                  static-apache
ruby            Ruby                    ruby
python-gunicorn Python Gunicorn         python-gunicorn
go              Go                      go
java            Java + Play! 1          play1
java            Java or Scala + Play! 2 play2
java            Java or Groovy + Gradle gradle
java            Java + JAR              jar
java            Java + Maven            maven
java            Scala + SBT             sbt
java            Java + WAR              war
node            Meteor.js               meteor
node            Node                    node
docker          Docker                  docker
rust            Rust                    rust
erlang          Elixir                  elixir

For future releases, we're also thinking about filters like is:running, is:stopped, sort:status, sort:type. We might also add Tags which are already available in our API. If you would like to filter this list based on other characteristic please let us know in the comments below 🙂


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