Announcing Larger Scalers for Apps

This month you may have noticed something new on the pricing page: two new flavours showed up. Two new pretty big flavours: 2XL and 3XL.

So now, Clever Cloud offers the 2XL and the 3XL instance sizes. Theses instances benefit from a higher number of CPU and RAM, optimized for compute and memory intensive tasks.

As we gain more and more users, new needs are coming up. Like CPU intensive tasks or huge memory needs for high-end softwares, without having to split CPU tasks between several instances. Customers running video encoding, mathematical tasks, batch processing, distributed analytics or similar will benefit from the high processor and memory size of these instances.

To match these new high-end demands, we added two new instance sizes:

  • The 2XL instance:
    • 12 CPUs
    • 24 GB of RAM
  • The 3XL instance:
    • 16 CPUs
    • 32 GB of RAM

You can run your apps on top of these new instances today (you can check the pricing here).

Banner image credit: Nasa Echo Project


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