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What is Clever AI?

What is Clever AI?

AI services are everywhere, but the sheer number and diversity of them makes it harder for developers to manage them. All the more so when they work in a team. That's why we came up with Clever AI: a multi-vendor, multi-model range of solutions to simplify access to AI for businesses.

Clever Cloud obtains HDS (Health Data Hosting) certification

Clever Cloud achieves HDS Certification, enabling it to host health data in France. Clever Cloud, Europe's leading provider of Platform as a Service cloud solutions, today announced that it has been awarded the Hébergeur de Données de Santé (HDS) certification, in its updated version effective May 16, 2024, for all 6 activities in the standard. This certification reinforces Clever Cloud's position as a trusted partner for companies and organizations in the healthcare sector.

Otoroshi with LLM: simplify your API and AI service management on Clever Cloud

Your applications and services are evolving in an increasingly complex environment, requiring effective management of APIs and interactions with artificial intelligence models such as the very popular LLMs (Large Language Models).

Clever Cloud and DataConnect Africa: the first step towards a secure, sovereign cloud for Africa

As part of its international growth, Clever Cloud has signed its first partnership in Côte d'Ivoire, with DataConnet Africa, to offer the region's first Sovereign and Secure cloud.

clever cloud fest. is coming

Clever Cloud announces its clever cloud fest. an event to bring together customers, prospects, partners and more.
Docs home

Deploy Docs on Clever Cloud

The open-source alternative to Notion, a French government initiative in collaboration with Germany, has become…

DevRel at Clever Cloud

Developer Relations (DevRel) at Clever Cloud – A Collective Approach

What is DevRel?

Developer Relations (DevRel) is about building bridges between tech companies and developers.…

Company DevRel
What is a PaaS?

What is a PaaS? (Platform as a Service)

Platform as a Service (PaaS) is a turnkey model offering a complete development environment, without the need to manage the underlying infrastructure.
CollabNext: A sovereign alternative to US office suites and clouds

CollabNext: A sovereign alternative to US office suites and clouds

At a time when digital sovereignty is becoming a priority for European organisations, the CollabNext project is emerging as a bold response.

Clever Cloud announces 11 new products at its Clever Cloud Fest

Clever Cloud is celebrating its 15th anniversary with the Clever Cloud Fest on 6 and 7 February 2025 in Nantes. This event will bring together customers and partners, during which Clever Cloud will unveil 11 new products and an international growth strategy.
Company Event Press
Job Scams Spoofing bannier clever cloud

Protect yourself: beware of job scams spoofing Clever Cloud’s brand

At Clever Cloud, we provide reliable, secure cloud hosting services for businesses and developers worldwide. Unfortunately, our reputation is being exploited by malicious actors engaging in fraudulent activities under the guise of our company name. We want to set the record straight and help protect you from falling victim to these scams.