Clever Cloud announces the arrival of Guillaume Champeau as Chief Legal and Public Affairs Officer

Clever Cloud announces the appointment of Guillaume Champeau as Chief Legal and Public Affairs Officer

Paris, 25 October 2021

Clever Cloud, a European provider of automation and optimization solutions for hosting websites and applications on the Internet, announces the appointment of Guillaume Champeau as Chief Legal and Public Affairs Officer. Guillaume’s arrival marks the beginning of a new phase in the company’s structuring, enabling Clever Cloud to continue and accelerate its sustained growth in the cloud market. He will report directly to the CEO of Clever Cloud, Quentin Adam.

Clever Cloud is a French company Creator of its own software technologies since 2010 and a pioneer in Europe of app deployment automation, Clever Cloud is a French company which has numerous of customers in 80 countries around the world. With a turnover that has almost doubled again in one year, Clever Cloud has experienced significant growth since its creation, due in particular to its ability to regularly bring innovations to its customers. For example, in October 2021 alone, Clever Cloud was the first cloud provider in Europe to launch Apache Pulsar as a managed service, followed by Jenkins with per-second pricing for tasks, and the Clever Cloud TARDIS time series database, billed by usage.

Guillaume Champeau

Guillaume Champeau, 39, began his career by creating PressTIC, the publisher of the Numerama website, which he founded and which has become one of the most widely read websites in France on digital news. Trained as a lawyer specialising in digital law and the protection of fundamental rights on the Internet, Guillaume then joined Qwant to become the director of ethics and public relations for the search engine, before creating the legal department. In this capacity, he contributed to leading important battles against abusive practices of dominant position and for the promotion of European solutions. He joins Clever Cloud to take charge of the company’s public affairs policy and to assume the legal direction of the company.

We are very pleased to welcome Guillaume to our team. Guillaume brings to Clever Cloud his experience and expertise in the field of digital law, his leadership and his understanding of the strategic issues of the market, which he will be able to raise with public and private decision makers. I look forward to working with him“, says Quentin Adam, co-founder and CEO of Clever Cloud.

It is a great pride for me to join Clever Cloud, whose great qualities and determination to bring to France and Europe its solutions for a sovereign control of the cloud I have known for a long time. Clever Cloud is a technology company that is highly respected and appreciated by developers, ambitious, with a vision and dynamism that are pleasing. It corresponds in every way to the values that I have always defended and that I will continue to defend in my new role“, says Guillaume Champeau.

About Clever Cloud

Founded in 2010, Clever Cloud is a company based in Nantes specialising in IT automation. It creates and provides the software building blocks necessary for the flexible deployment of applications on self-service SaaS architectures. Its clients include such big names as Airbus, AXA, Caisse d’Épargne, Cegid, Docaposte, MAIF, McDonald’s, Solocal, SNCF, TBWA, ….


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