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All posts with tag Features

Materia KV: our easy-to-use serverless key-value database is available to all

Materia KV: our easy-to-use serverless key-value database is available to all

Clever Cloud was born out of a desire to make life easier for developers, by providing them automation tools and interfaces, so that they can concentrate on their applications and sites.
materia banner

Materia KV, Functions: discover the future of Clever Cloud at Devoxx Paris 2024

Clever Cloud is proud to present its new range of serverless products: Materia!

Announcing our new Ticket Center

We are delighted to announce the arrival of our new support system: the Ticket Center. Ticket-oriented use instead of a chatbox, a more collaborative tool and ensuring a better follow-up of your requests.

How to deploy Keycloak on Clever Cloud

Keycloak is a modern and efficient way to deal with identity and access management. Learn how to deploy it on Clever Cloud.
Environment variable

Improving our environment variables editor

The environment variables editor was proposed with a Simple or Expert mode. We have added a third, using JSON format. You can read/write in it.
Engineering Features


#65 – PG compresse la react-tion du framaverse

Host by Hubert Sablonnière

handling traffic surge, lessons from Aragorn

Managing site traffic for a TV show, but in 24 hours

You're having a traffic spike on your website? Learn how to migrate to Clever Cloud within 24 hours.

Slack alerts for Grafana

In one of our previous posts, we announced the release of a dedicated Clever…

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Announcing Time Series on Clever Cloud, with TARDIS

At Clever Cloud we aim to provide the best services for all kinds of data.…


Get Elastic APM ready in 5′ on Clever Cloud

APM means Application Performance Monitoring. When we say APM in the IT context, we refer…


FS Buckets configured with Environment Variables

For a long time the only way to configure an FS Bucket for your application…


Deploying a Piwik Server on Clever Cloud

Those days, gathering data is a pretty important thing to improve your application. It can,…


How to Optimize your PHP Applications on Clever Cloud

PHP is quite popular in website creation. A lot of famous/popular CMS and frameworks are…

Introducing Redis by Clever Cloud…

We're super excited to roll-out the new Redis by Clever Cloud add-on for all of…

Introducing Redsmin on Clever Cloud

Earlier this year we’ve promised some great news. Here we are: we’re proud to announce…


Welcome FS buckets

French version below

Up to now, during a git…


Python now in beta – Available soon

We're pleased to announce the support of Python on Clever Cloud. The Django framework is…


Manage your projects using Organisations

French version below More information regarding the Clever Cloud's "Organisations" feature. Since our console V2,…

Introducing the new Console

French version below

Well, it's already the end of our Open Cloud offer. But don't…


Run your PlayFramework apps on the Clever Cloud!

The Java language was orignally used in complex and costly "enterprise projects". It was considered…