The Clever Cloud Blog
The Commit Log

New Flavours Starting at Less Than $5
We are excited to announce two new scalers with smaller prices. The Pico and the…

Why isn’t there a free tier in Clever Cloud
Do you know that hosting is one of the nastiest business out there? Hardware, bandwidth…
Bitcoin payments now available
Well, we're thrilled to announce that Clever Cloud accepts Bitcoin.
Thanks to its rising…
Do something remarkable today, Act for Philippines
As you might have heard, one of the strongest storms hit the Philippines on November…
Clever Cloud dans le Frenchweb Tour
French Only
Le Frenchweb Tour a fait étape à Nantes et s'est intéressé à Clever…
New plan and best startup award at Eurocloud!
We are happy to announce our new pricing plans along with some…
How would you convince your boss to choose Clever Cloud as a hosting service in a 5mn pitch?
French version below
Like a Christopher Colombus having an audience with the Queen Isabella, you…
What’s computer energy ?
Comment expliquer une chose abstraite avec des mots simples ? Énergie informatique Qu'est-ce que l'énergie…
Connaissez-vous les datacenters ?
Le cloud computing repose sur une infrastructure qui souvent n'est pas la propriété de l'hébergeur.…