The Clever Cloud Blog
The Commit Log
Les fondations ouvertes d’un plugin oublié poussent les groupes dans le cloud
Host by Horacio Gonzalez

Up to €100,000 in funding to adopt Hyper Open X technologies
The Hyper Open X consortium, made up of sixteen major French cloud players, has launched anambitious call for projects designed to accelerate the adoption of open source technologies for cloud and edge computing.
Redis se ferme et fork tandis que l’IA sans gêne, se gave de 22 Biscuit Java
Host by Horacio Gonzalez
Malgré les radars, la tondeuse autonome communique avec la chaudière grâce au GPS Open Source
Host by Steven Leroux
Open sourcing Sōzu connectors
Clever Cloud is today the main developer of Sōzu, a Reverse Proxy that was developped at Clever Cloud, in Rust, to meet the needs of our infrastructure for performance and hot reloading.
87 – Le smartphone Open Source perd ses datas Linux dans une Java virtuelle
Host by Quentin Adam
Knowing your system – Part 7 – Contributing to Exherboe
The exherbo contribution mechanism
Basically everything regarding exherbo is discussed and managed via the…
Knowing your system – Part 6 – Source-based distributions: Discovering Exherbo
The limits of Gentoo As I said in part 3 of the "knowing your system"…
Knowing your system – Part 5 – Source-based distributions: the binary way
We last saw the paludis tool. Now, we'll take a look at how…
Knowing your system – Part 4 – Falling in love with paludis
Installing a source-based GNU/Linux distribution As we last saw, I'm really fond of source-based distributions.…
Knowing your system – Part 3 – Source-based distributions: The Gentoo example
After a little reminder on UNIX-like systems and a quick view to the init process,…