The Clever Cloud Blog
The Commit Log

Improved filtering in the console
It's already been a couple of weeks since we introduced you to our revamped console.…

Spectre and Meltdown
Yesterday two issues affecting CPUs have been released to the public.
TL;DR: the attacks are…

Clever Cloud and the POODLE battle
We are disabling the support of SSLv3 in front of our platform the Friday, 24th…

Is Clever Cloud Vulnerable to Shellshock?
Did you like [Heartbleed?]({{ site.basepath }}/features/2014/04/08/openssl-101g-update.html) Meet Shellshock — aka CVE-2014-6271 — a new bug…

Update OpenSSL 1.0.1g
Yesterday, a security patch of OpenSSL 1.0.1g was issued, fixing a pretty critical vulnerability (refered…