Clever Tools 3.2.0 is available

Clever Tools 3.2.0 is available

Effective on February 7, 2024·David Legrand
David Legrand
Hubert Sablonnière
Hubert Sablonnière

As mentioned in the previous release, the packaging process moved to GitHub Actions to provide a better process, quicker tests and more frequent releases. We start with the 3.2.0 adding the log auto retry feature on network failures and some fixes:

  • api: improve error message with EAI_AGAIN and ECONNRESET (b134213)
  • logs: improve error message with EAI_AGAIN and ECONNRESET (fada067)
  • logs: improve open and error debug message (28dd996)
  • logs: increase connection timeout (a4ec4b9)
  • logs: only print SSE errors as debug when verbose mode is enabled (3ea21c6)

To upgrade Clever Tools, use your favorite package manager. For example with npm:

npm update -g clever-tools
clever version
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