Clever Tools 3.1.0 is available

Clever Tools 3.1.0 is available

Effective on January 25, 2024·David Legrand
David Legrand
Hubert Sablonnière
Hubert Sablonnière

For several months, we were preparing our CLI, Clever Tools, for big changes. It starts to be ready for prime time with the 3.1.0 release. First, the packaging process moved to GitHub Actions with some improvements:

  • You can now get the list of releases with a changelog and source code archives
  • No more beta channel: you’ll be able to test new features easier
  • Better process, quicker tests, more releases!

If 3.0.x branch brought new log stack (faster, longer, order), you now get updated runtimes and zones lists in autocomplete, details about application owner during deployment, git+ssh URL in new linked/created applications information.

clever deploy can now be used with the --same-commit-policy or -p flag to set policy to apply when the local commit is the same as the remote one: error, ignore, restart or rebuild (default: error).

Of course, there are also some bug fixes. And be prepared: more new features are on the way!

To upgrade Clever Tools, use your favorite package manager. For example with npm:

npm update -g clever-tools
clever version
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