Clever Cloud KV Explorer is available for Materia KV and Redis® add-ons

Clever Cloud KV Explorer is available for Materia KV and Redis® add-ons

Effective on November 28, 2024·Pierre De Soyres
Pierre De Soyres
David Legrand
David Legrand

Since we’ve launched Materia KV, our serverless key-value database compatible with third-party protocols such as Redis® (and soon DynamoDB or GraphQL), customers were asking about a way to explore data directly from the Clever Cloud Console. This summer, we started to work on such a project, to provide a pleasant and easy-to-use interface, not only for Materia KV, but for any key-value add-on. After some months of internal alpha testing, it’s available in Beta for all our Materia KV and Redis® add-ons.

To use it, just open the KV Explorer tab of any compatible add-on, it’s part of the Clever Cloud experience. This first public iteration supports hash, list, set and string data types, only strings for Materia KV add-ons as other types are yet to come.

KV Explorer
The KV Explorer tool in the Console

You can filter keys by type, with a filter (*value_to_search* for example), value text fields are multi-lines, and you can copy/paste values directly from the interface. As usual, we’ve worked on keyboard shortcuts and accessibility. At the bottom, the KV Explorer Terminal allows you to type any command you want as you would do in a CLI client. It works the same, you type a command, press Enter, and you get the result (yes, also when you type FLUSHDB or FLUSHALL, so be careful).

Of course, we’ll continue to improve this tool, over the coming months, thanks to your feedback and suggestions. So feel free to share them and ask your questions in our GitHub Community.

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