Clever Tools 3.12, with API Tokens and Network Groups

Clever Tools 3.12, with API Tokens and Network Groups

Effective on March 7, 2025·David Legrand
David Legrand
Hubert Sablonnière
Hubert Sablonnière

Clever Tools 3.12 is available. It includes some bug fixes and two new experimental features, available through feature flags.

API Tokens

First is clever tokens, which allows you to create and manage API tokens, and use them to request the Clever Cloud API:

clever features enable tokens

clever tokens create "CI job Foobar"
clever tokens create "Quick local test" --expiration 1h

You can also list or revoke tokens:

clever tokens -F json
clever tokens revoke api_tokens_xxx

Once created, API tokens must be used through the bridge URL:

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer [API_TOKEN]"

Network Groups

The second feature is clever ng, to manage the long awaited Network Groups. Use them to link resources over a Wireguard-based private and secure network. It can be applications, add-ons or external systems (a local machine, a third-party server, etc.).

clever features enable ng

clever ng create myNg
clever ng link app_id myNg
clever ng unlink app_id myNg

clever ng create anotherNg --link app_id1,app_id2
clever ng get anotherNg
clever ng get app_id1

clever ng
clever ng search Ng

clever ng delete myNg
clever ng delete anotherNg

Once linked to a Network Groups, resources can communicate with each other directly, on any port. Each resources is identified as a “Member” with a dedicated domain name. Each instance of a resource is a “Peer” with a unique IP address inside the Network Group.

We’ve natively integrated Network Groups to our Keycloak and Otoroshi operators. Thus, you can (de)activate a high-availability Keycloak service with two instance synced over a Network Group. It just needs one API call (and soon one Clever Tools command):

curl -XPOST -H "Authorization: Bearer [API_TOKEN]" \

curl -XDELETE -H "Authorization: Bearer [API_TOKEN]" \
If you activate multi-instances Keycloak feature, you’ll be billed for two Java instances. Network Groups are free of charge.

With Otoroshi, activating a Network Group links the underlying Java application to it. Thus, you can easily add other applications to the same Network Group and use Otoroshi as a gateway to protect the access to your applications through API keys, Biscuits, WAF, etc.

curl -XPOST -H "Authorization: Bearer [API_TOKEN]" \

curl -XDELETE -H "Authorization: Bearer [API_TOKEN]" \

As this beta feature evolves, we’ll add demos, documentations and videos to help you to fully take advantage of Network Groups.

How to upgrade

To upgrade Clever Tools, use your favorite package manager. For example with npm:

npm update -g clever-tools
clever version
Last updated on