Otoroshi update, with new LLM features and Biscuit Studio 0.10
Otoroshi update, with new LLM features and Biscuit Studio 0.10
Otoroshi v16.24.0_1742549915
is available. It includes LLM extension v0.0.42 with multiple bug fixes, model management improvements, more guardrails features and per-provider context introduced in v0.0.39.
Biscuit Studio 0.0.10 is also included with multiple bug fixes, but also public key pair exposition, Biscuit verifiers chaining, Biscuit token and connected user extraction introduced in v0.0.8.
To update just set CC_OTOROSHI_VERSION
of the add-on’s Java application to v16.24.0_1742549915
and rebuild it. You can also delete CC_OTOROSHI_APIM_VERSION
variables from the Java application, they are not used anymore.
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