FrankenPHP is available as a runtime on Clever Cloud

FrankenPHP is available as a runtime on Clever Cloud

Effective on March 28, 2025·David Legrand
David Legrand

As announced last year, we worked to make FrankenPHP available on Clever Cloud as simple as we can.

First, we started to document how to deploy it with practical examples. Then, we packaged it and included it in our images to make some tests internally and with customers. Starting today, anyone can deploy a PHP application using FrankenPHP on Clever Cloud without needing any Docker container or complex configuration.

Just create a FrankenPHP application from API, Console or with Clever Tools and deploy it:

echo '<?php echo phpinfo();' > index.php
git init
git add .
git commit -m "Initial FrankenPHP release"

clever create --type frankenphp
clever deploy
clever open

FrankenPHP on Clever Cloud comes with lots of extensions included and we simplified many aspects of application management: if a composer.json file is present at the root of your project it’s automatically used to install dependencies, you can also use your own composer.phar file, Composer flags, define where are the files to serve, define a script to use with FrankenPHP worker feature or a custom run command with environment variables.

As it’s a new image, help us improve it by reporting any issue or suggestion on the Clever Cloud Community.

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