Clever Cloud for Redis®

Deploy fully managed Redis® databases with monitoring, backups and migration tools.
  1. 01

    01 Setup takes seconds

    Installing Redis® on Clever Cloud is a no brainer. In one click, your database is production ready.

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    02 Built with Daily Backups

    Your data is safe. Every night, we backup your Clever Cloud Redis® databases and make every archive compressed and ready to download.

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    03 Security

    You don’t have to config anything. We do everything so you exploit the most highly secured configuration of Redis®. Configure your application with envrinoement variables, so you don’t have to share credentials in your codebase.

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    04 Comes with tools

    Manage your instance Redis® with Redsmin: an online GUI for supervision and administration of Redis®. In full real-time, atomic and powerful.

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    05 Leader/Follower Failover in option

    If you need it, a leader/follower replication is possible: you can configure the replication between two Redis® databases within the Clever Cloud Console.

Our pricing depends on the size and the number of databases. Compare it with your current pricing on our calculator.


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